Abstract we show that universal holonomic quantum computation can be achieved fault tolerantly by adiabatically deforming the gapped stabilizer hamiltonian of the surface code, where quantum information is encoded in the degenerate ground space of the system hamiltonian. We explain how to combine holonomic quantum computation hqc with fault tolerant quantum error correction. Introduction to topological quantum computation university of leeds. Faulttolerant holonomic quantum computation in surface codes. Here we propose holonomic surface codes by harnessing the quantum holonomy of the system. The computational space is realized by a nfold degenerate eigenspace of a family of hamiltonians parametrized by a manifold m. Brun submitted on 16 nov 2014, last revised 4 feb 2015 this version, v4 abstract. In this paper, we will combine the good features of these architectures and avoid their weakness by. Holonomic quantum computation quantum information wiley. Strongly correlated many body states stabilized in topologically ordered matter offer the possibility of naturally fault tolerant computing, but are.
In our scheme, the holonomic gates are built via auxiliary qubits rather than the auxiliary levels in multilevel systems used in conventional holonomic quantum computation. However, these methods all have advantages and disadvantages, which are detailed below. We show that the notion of generalized berry phase i. Fault tolerant measurementbased quantum computing debbie leung. Holonomic surface codes for faulttolerant quantum computation. We show that universal holonomic quantum computation hqc can be achieved faulttolerantly by adiabatically deforming the gapped stabilizer hamiltonian of. In a nonlinear kerr medium the degenerate states of laser beams are interpreted as qubits. Holonomic quantum computing in symmetryprotected ground states.
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